Iterating through a list of items with each step awaiting user input before moving on to next item in list

Solution 1:

One solution is to use two lists. A source list with all the questions, and a second list to display the questions as they are answered.

Here is your code updated with a very basic solution as example.

Note I added in a small boolean check so an already answered question can't be answered twice, and also to stop throwing an error once all questions are completed.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class QuestionScreen extends StatefulWidget {

  _QuestionScreenState createState() => _QuestionScreenState();

class _QuestionScreenState extends State<QuestionScreen> {
  List<Question> listOfQuestions = [Question(), Question(), Question()];
  List<Question> listOfQuestionsToDisplay = [];

  int currentIndex = 0;

  initState() {

  onQuestionPress({required int index}) {
    print('index pressed is $index');
    print('current index is $currentIndex');

    if (index < currentIndex) {
      print('already pressed');
    } else if (listOfQuestions.length == listOfQuestionsToDisplay.length) {
      print('all questions answered');
    } else {
      listOfQuestionsToDisplay.add(listOfQuestions[index + 1]);
      setState(() {});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Column(
        children: [
          Text('List Of Questions'),
            return Card(
              elevation: 10,
              margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(
                vertical: 5,
                horizontal: 10,
              child: ListTile(
                title: Text(
                    '${eachQuestion.questionText} Q/NO: ${listOfQuestionsToDisplay.indexOf(eachQuestion)}'),
                subtitle: Row(
                  children: [
                        .map((eachOption) {
                      return ElevatedButton(
                        onPressed: () => {
                              index: listOfQuestionsToDisplay
                        child: Text(eachOption),

class Question {
  String questionText = "question";
  List<String> listOfOptionsForTheUserToSelect = ["ans1", "ans2"];