Pine Script: All three indicators have to confirm trend

My strategies is based on 3 different indicators. As a condition all of them have to be false at least on one candle before the main indicator becomes true. In my example candle 4 does not get a trigger, as indicator 2 was not false on candle 3. Candle 10 is true for the main indicator, as all indicators were false either on candle 8 or 9.

bar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
indicator 1 true true false true true false true true false true ... ...
indicator 2 false true true true false false true true false true ... ...
indicator 3 false true false true false false true false true true ... ...
melting indicators false true false false (not all were false on #3) false false true false true true ... ...

You would help me a lot!

Solution 1:

If I understand correctly, you need the melting indicator to be true when indicators 1-2-3 are true, but only if indicators 1-2-3 have been false at any point in the previous 2 bars.

This pseudo-code would do that.

indicator("My Script", overlay=true)

var bool    a = na // indicator 1
var bool    b = na // indicator 2
var bool    c = na // indicator 3
var bool    m = na // melting indicator

m := a and b and c and (not a[1] or not a[2]) and (not b[1] or not b[2]) and (not c[1] or not c[2])


Or you could do it with a function, which improves the code readability.

indicator("My Script", overlay=true)

var bool    a = na // indicator 1
var bool    b = na // indicator 2
var bool    c = na // indicator 3
var bool    m = na // melting indicator

f_check(bool _x) => _x and (not _x[1] or not _x[2])

m := f_check(a) and f_check(b) and f_check(c)


Edit 1 in response to this comment :
Example with undefined number of candles

indicator("My Script", overlay=true)

var bool    a           = na // indicator 1
var bool    b           = na // indicator 2
var bool    c           = na // indicator 3
var bool    m           = na // melting indicator
var bool    a_triggered = false
var bool    b_triggered = false
var bool    c_triggered = false

// once triggered, keep triggered until reset
a_triggered := not a or a_triggered
b_triggered := not b or b_triggered
c_triggered := not c or c_triggered

// melting indicator will ony be able to be true when conditions are met for a, b, c AND if all triggers have fired since last reset
m := a and b and c and a_triggered and b_triggered and c_triggered

// melting indicator is true?
if m
    // reset triggers
    a_triggered := false
    b_triggered := false
    c_triggered := false
