How to use three-way comparison (spaceship op) to implement operator== between different types?

The premise of the question is wrong. You don't use the three-way comparison operator (<=>) to implement ==: you use == to implement ==:

bool operator==(type_a a, type_b b) {
    return a.member == b.member;

The source of confusion is that there is one exception to this rule: if a type declares a defaulted <=> then it also declares a defaulted ==:

struct type_c {
    int member;
    auto operator<=>(type_c const&) const = default;

That declaration is equivalent to having written:

struct type_c {
    int member;
    bool operator==(type_c const&) const = default;
    auto operator<=>(type_c const&) const = default;

But it's not the <=> that gives you ==: it's still the ==, and only ==, that gives you ==.