DotVVM: Auto-update based on timer

Solution 1:

There is no built in timer component, but there are several ways to accomplish this.

JS directive

The most over-powered way of accomplishing this is to use the DotVVM 3 @js directive to link a JS file into your page and then trigger a NamedCommand from JS. Full documentation is here: The Javascript you need is (roughly) this:

export default context => {

    setInterval(function () { context.namedCommands["Refresh"]() }, 5000)

    return {
        // declare additional JS commands here

Then use a NamedCommand component in the page with your refresh command:

<dot:NamedCommand Name="Refresh" Command={command: RefreshData()} />

However, you should prefer to use a staticCommand binding for background jobs.

@service myUsersService = Full.Name.Of.MyUsersService

<dot:NamedCommand Name="Refresh" Command={staticCommand: UsersTotal = myUsersService.FetchUsersTotal()} />

Hidden button

While the @js directive is a powerful feature, I'd say that for your use case, it would be simpler add a hidden button with this command and trigger it from JS.

<dot:Button Click={staticCommand: same as above} Visible=false ID="refreshButton" />


setInternal(function () { document.getElementById("refreshButton").click() }, 5000)


HTML meta tag

Even simpler way is to use the <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" >, it will instruct the browser to reload the entire page every 5 sec. Works even without JS, but is only acceptable if you don't mind the page is always refreshing.