react native version check package make app crash

There has been some unresolved issues regarding this package and especially those functions that you mentioned. I had faced the same issue previously, my suggestion would be to go with a backend driven version check. You can maintain a table to store the latest version, force update flag, etc. Also since these 2 functions are promise, you can check what they are returning.

  forceUpdate: true,
  provider: () => fetch('http://your.own/api')
    .then(r => r.json())
    .then(({version}) => version),   // You can get latest version from your own api.
}).then(latestVersion =>{

  .then(async res => {
    console.log(res.isNeeded);    // true
    if (res.isNeeded) {
      Linking.openURL(res.storeUrl);  // open store if update is needed.