amCharts 5: CategoryAxis.height() after first datavalidated event

Solution 1:

amCharts have updated their tutorial now for version 5.

amCharts 5: Auto-adjusting chart height based on a number of data items

Now the height is set using = chartHeight + "px";

Some points to note is

amCharts 5 uses "root element" approach - you create a root element, then add actual chart or series objects to it.


amCharts 4 did not have a root element, so chart instance was the top element in the tree.


amCharts 5 uses Canvas API as its method of rendering, whereas amCharts 4 used SVG.

~ AmCharts 4 and 5

The full code is in their codepen... now the datavalidated event is on the series.

var cellSize = 30;"datavalidated", function(ev) {

  var series =;
  var chart = series.chart;
  var xAxis = chart.xAxes.getIndex(0);

  // Calculate how we need to adjust chart height
  var chartHeight = * cellSize + xAxis.height() + 
  chart.get("paddingTop", 0) + chart.get("paddingBottom", 0);

  // Set it on chart's container = chartHeight + "px";