Load Child Content from Parent Based on Child Variable

Solution 1:

Maybe you need a static function to create the instance like this:

class fruits
    public static function getInstance($bananaOrange)
        if ($bananaOrange == 'banana')
            return new banana();
        elseif ($bananaOrange == 'orange')
            return new orange();

    public function __construct()



    protected function render()



$fruits = fruits::getInstance('banana');

Solution 2:

I was quite interested by your question and not satisfied with the factories using some if, else or switch tests so I finally got this solution, which also handles parameters to give to the constructors of each fruit. Each fruit has some different properties so I used an array but you could also use variable length of constructor parameters. I prefered the array solution because the order isn't important. You could improve it to check the parameter names and rise an error if they don't exist for that fruit.


class FruitException extends Exception { }

abstract class Fruit {
    protected $fruitName = '';

    static public function create($fruitName, $fruitProperties)
        // The class name may not be written correctly.
        $fruitName = ucwords($fruitName);

        if (!class_exists($fruitName) || get_parent_class($fruitName) !== self::class) {
            throw new FruitException("The fruit type '$fruitName' does not exist!");

        return new $fruitName($fruitProperties);

    abstract protected function display();

class Banana extends Fruit {
    public const DEFAULT_LENGTH = 15; // cm
    public const MAX_LENGTH = 30; // cm

    private $length = self::DEFAULT_LENGTH;

    public function __construct($properties)
        $this->fruitName = 'Banana';
        extract($properties); // Create variables from array keys and values.
        if (isset($length)) {
            if (!is_numeric($length) || $length < 0 || $length > self::MAX_LENGTH) {
                throw new FruitException('The given banana length is not valid!');
            $this->length = $length;

    public function display()
        print "I'm a banana and my length is $this->length cm\n";

class Orange extends Fruit {
    public const DEFAULT_DIAMETER = 9; // cm
    public const MAX_DIAMETER = 15; // cm

    private $diameter = 9; // 

    public function __construct($properties)
        $this->fruitName = 'Orange';
        extract($properties); // Create variables from array keys and values.
        if (isset($diameter)) {
            if (!is_numeric($diameter) || $diameter < 0 || $diameter > self::MAX_DIAMETER) {
                throw new FruitException('The given orange diameter is not valid!');
            $this->diameter = $diameter;

    public function display()
        print "I'm an orange and my diameter is $this->diameter cm\n";

class Car {
    // This is not a kind of fruit!

$fruits = [
    'Orange' => ['diameter' => 8], 
    'banana' => ['length' => 17], // missing capital first letter.
    'car' => ['color' => 'blue', 'manufacturer' => 'Ferrari'], // Existing class definition but not a fruit.
    'Apple' => ['color' => 'green', 'diameter' => 7.5], // Inexisting fruit type.

foreach ($fruits as $fruitName => $fruitProperties) {
    try {
        $fruitInstance = Fruit::create($fruitName, $fruitProperties);
    catch (FruitException $e) {
        fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: %s\n", $e->getMessage());

This will output the following:

I'm an orange and my diameter is 8 cm
I'm a banana and my length is 17 cm

and this in the standard error stream:

ERROR: The fruit type 'Car' does not exist!
ERROR: The fruit type 'Apple' does not exist!