Avoiding record for polymorphism in ocaml
You can encode existentials natively using GADT. For example, this is how you can encode higher-kinded polymorphism with GADT,
type ('p, 'f) app = ..
module Newtype1 (T : sig type 'a t end) () : sig
type 'a s = 'a T.t
type t
val inj : 'a s -> ('a, t) app
val prj : ('a, t) app -> 'a s
end = struct
type 'a s = 'a T.t
type t
type (_,_) app += App : 'a s -> ('a, t) app
let inj v = App v
let prj (App v) = v
module Newtype2 (T : sig type ('a,'b) t end) () : sig
type ('a, 'b) s = ('a, 'b) T.t
type t
val inj : ('a, 'b) s -> ('a, ('b, t) app) app
val prj : ('a, ('b, t) app) app -> ('a, 'b) s
end = struct
type ('a,'b) s = ('a,'b) T.t
type t
type (_,_) app += App : ('a,'b) s -> ('a, ('b,t) app) app
let inj v = App v
let prj (App v) = v
As a side note, you don't need to use records or anything else in the signature to specify that the type variable is polymorphic, as it is already polymorphic. I.e., you can describe your signature as simple as,
module type NewHType1 = sig
type ('a, 'n) t
type t'
val inj : ('a, 'n) t -> ('a, ('n, t') happ) app
val prj : ('a, ('n, t') happ) app -> ('a, 'n) t
It is because in value specifications (in module types) polymorphic variables denote polymorphic types, which is different from type constraints, which are used in value definitions, where type variables denote just variables that can have ground types, so if you want to prevent its unification with the ground type, you have to add a type annotation, e.g.,
module NewHType1 : sig
type ('a, 'n) t
type t'
val inj : ('a, 'n) t -> ('a, ('n, t') happ) app
val prj : ('a, ('n, t') happ) app -> ('a, 'n) t
end = struct
type ('a,'n) t and t'
let inj : 'a. ('a, 'n) t -> ('a, ('n, t') happ) app = fun _ -> assert false
let prj : 'a. ('a, ('n, t') happ) app -> ('a, 'n) t = fun _ -> assert false
To summarize, 'a. 'a -> 'a
type constraint generates the polymoprhic 'a -> 'a
type. You might find the following answer useful as well.