Update Order custom Field value with WooCommerce REST API
I am trying to update the Order custom field value lworder
. I used the below code but I did not find any update. Can anyone please help me with this?
$api_response = wp_remote_post( 'https://your-website/wp-json/wc/v3/orders/{ORDER ID}', array(
//'method' => 'PUT',
'headers' => array(
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode( 'KEY:SECRET' )
'meta_key' => array(
'lworder' => 'ordered',
) );
$body = json_decode( $api_response['body'] );
//print_r( $body );
if( wp_remote_retrieve_response_message( $api_response ) === 'OK' ) {
echo 'The Order field ' . $body->name . ' has been updated';
Tested OK with WooCommerce 6.1.1
$api_response = wp_remote_post('https://mujuonly.github.io/index.php/wp-json/wc/v3/orders/1631817799', array(
'method' => 'PUT',
'headers' => array(
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode('ck_b0f7480d348807e3c065053e7810fb83ce3b6b41:cs_0c44e9ad9173fd3698010e86f1140914dcb8fc8a')
'body' => array('billing' => array(
'city' => 'Disssssmmmmss',
'meta_data' => array(0 => array(
'key' => 'lworder',
'value' => 'orderd'
$body = json_decode($api_response['body']);
if (wp_remote_retrieve_response_message($api_response) === 'OK') {
echo 'The Order field ' . $body->name . ' has been updated';