Is there an LDAP Server running on OS X Snow Leopard?

Is there an LDAP Server running on my OS X Snow Leopard deployment? How do I find it? Can I connect to it over the standard LDAP port of 389?

The simple telnet test results was not encouraging...

bobk-mbp:~ bobk$ telnet localhost 389
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Trying fe80::1...
telnet: connect to address fe80::1: Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

The reason I'm asking is that I am developing an LDAP authentication capability in the webapp I work on and it would be most convenient if I can just test it out on my dev workstation leveraging the user accounts already set up there. My enthusiasm for deploying and maintaining an LDAP server on my dev workstation is rather low and if my mac already is running one I would just like to use it.

Enlighten me. Is LDAP already running on my Mac how can I connect to it?

My dev box is plain-jane Snow Leopard on a MacBook Pro.

Solution 1:

No, there isn't. There is only an LDAP server with OS X Server.

A cheaper alternative would be VirtualBox with a Linux VM running OpenLDAP's slapd.

Solution 2:

Homebrew has an OpenLDAP formula. Deploying slapd this way uses much less RAM than installing a virtual machine with Linux running slapd.