Parse a text file using shell script

I am stuck with this activity ,I have a txt file like below

0112 00000 34 JOB RECOVERY status poll (ORDERID 2N000, RUNNO 0001) ACCEPTED, OWNER
0112 00000 35 JOB RECOVERY status poll (ORDERID 2N000, RUNNO 0001)STARTED , APPL TYPE
0112 00000 36 JOB PROCESS_kafka(ORDERID 2N001, RUNNO 0001) ACCEPTED , OWNER
0112 00001 37 JOB PROCESS_kafka (ORDERID 2N001, RUNNO 0001) STARTED, APPL_TYPE
0112 00001 38 JOB RECOVERY  status poll(ORDERID 2N000, RUNNO 0001) ENDED OK ,ELAPSED - 0.02 SEC
0112 00003 39 JOB PROCESS (ORDERID 2N001, RUNNO 0001) ENDED OK, ELAPSED - 2.28 SEC

i need to get elapsed - value for each orderid for each job , i need like if orderid is 2N000, then the elapsed i should get-0.02 sec. like this for each orderid i need to get from the file using shell script.

I need the output like

orderid    jobname     ELAPSED
2N000      RECOVERY    0.02
2NOO1      PROCESS     2.28

grep ELAPSED file.txt \
| cut -d' ' -f7,5,14 \
| sed -E 's/(.*) ([^[:space:]]+),/\2 \1/'
  • grep selects just the lines with "ELAPSED";
  • cut extracts just the columns with orderid, jobname, and elapsed time;
  • But they are in the wrong order, so sed removes the comma from the orderid and reorders the columns.

If sed is not available, you can use awk:

awk '/ELAPSED/{id=$7; sub(",", "", id); print id, $5, $14}' file.txt
  • On lines containing ELAPSED, the seventh value is stored in id, comma is removed from it, and the id, jobname, and elapsed time are printed.