Can I check command line arguments one by one in a loop?

You might want to make something slightly faster and more maintainable, like this (regard this as pseudo code because I haven't compiled nor tested):

typedef struct
  const char* command;
  void (*action)(void)
} arg_command_t;

const arg_command_t commands[] =  //sorted in alphabetic order!
  { "copy",   copyFile   },
  { "create", createFile },


for(size_t i=1; i<argc; i++)
  const arg_command_t key = { argv[i], NULL };
  const arg_command_t* result;
  result = bsearch(&key, 
                   sizeof commands / sizeof *commands,
                   sizeof *commands,
  if(result != NULL)

Then implement comp_func like a wrapper around strcmp checking the string member of each struct item.