How to show hstore data relationship with other tables in a ERD?

I have some data that are designed weird! Now I want to create ERD for it. But there are some problems. There are some data stored in hstore which have relationship with the primary key of other tables. To demonstrate, see the code below:

        CREATE EXTENSION hstore;
        CREATE TABLE books (
            id serial PRIMARY KEY,
            title VARCHAR (255),
            attr hstore
        INSERT INTO books (title, attr)
                'PostgreSQL Tutorial',
                '"paperback" => "243",
                 "publisher_id" => 1,
                 "language"  => "English",
                 "ISBN-13"   => "978-1449370000",
                 "weight"    => "11.2 ounces"'
        INSERT INTO books (title, attr)
                'PostgreSQL Cheat Sheet',
                '"paperback" => "5",
                 "publisher_id" => 2,
                 "language"  => "English",
                 "ISBN-13"   => "978-1449370001",
                 "weight"    => "1 ounces"'
        CREATE TABLE publishers (
        publisher_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
        name varchar (50)
        INSERT INTO publishers (name)
        VALUES ('publisher1'), ('publisher2');

There is no way to make attr->publisher_id a foreign key referencing to the publisher_id in the publishers table. How I show their relationship in a diagram (preferably ERD)? Sample ERD

Solution 1:

Assuming your modelling tool doesn’t support hstore natively, then any diagram is going to be a logical, rather than physical, representation of your data.

In which case, why not just represent the hstore as a table? Assuming your ERD tool supports it, you could create a specific table type to represent hstores - so they are easily identifiable in your diagram