Removing strings from a list dependent on their length?

I am trying to remove any strings from this list of strings if their length is greater than 5. I don't know why it is only removing what seems to be random strings. Please help. The item for sublist part of the code just changes the list of lists, into a normal list of strings.

list2 = [['name'],['number'],['continue'],['stop'],['signify'],['tester'],['racer'],['stopping']]
li = [item for sublist in list2 for item in sublist]
for words in li:
if len(li[var])>5:

The output is: ['name', 'number', 'continue', 'stop', 'signify']

Just include the check when flattening the list:

list2 = [['name'],['number'],['continue'],['stop'],['signify'],['tester'],['racer'],['stopping']]
li = [item for sublist in list2 for item in sublist if len(item) <= 5]
['name', 'stop', 'racer']