HashMap synchronized `put` but not `get`

Solution 1:

I somewhat modified your code:

  1. removed System.out.println() from the "hot" loop, it is internally synchronized
  2. increased the number of iterations
  3. changed printing to only print when there's an unexpected value

There's much more we can do and try, but this already fails, so I stopped there. The next step would we to rewrite the whole thing to jcsctress.

And voila, as expected, sometimes this happens on my Intel MacBook Pro with Temurin 17:

Exception in thread "Thread 2" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.Integer.intValue()" because the return value of "java.util.Map.get(Object)" is null
    at com.gitlab.janecekpetr.playground.Playground.getVal(Playground.java:35)
    at com.gitlab.janecekpetr.playground.Playground.lambda$0(Playground.java:21)
    at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)


private record Val(int index, int value) {}

private static final int MAX = 100_000;
private final Map<Integer, Integer> instanceMap = new HashMap<>();

public static void main(String... args) {
    Playground main = new Playground();

    Runnable runnable = () -> {
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " running");
        Val[] vals = new Val[MAX];
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
            vals[i] = new Val(i, main.getVal(i));
        System.out.println(Stream.of(vals).filter(val -> val.index() != val.value()).toList());

    Thread thread1 = new Thread(runnable, "Thread 1");

    Thread thread2 = new Thread(runnable, "Thread 2");

private int getVal(int key) {
    return instanceMap.get(key);

private void check(int key) {
    if (!instanceMap.containsKey(key)) {
        synchronized (instanceMap) {
            if (!instanceMap.containsKey(key)) {
                instanceMap.put(key, key);

Solution 2:

To specifically explain the excellent sleuthing work in the answer by @PetrJaneček :

Every field in java has an evil coin attached to it. Anytime any thread reads the field, it flips this coin. It is not a fair coin - it is evil. It will flip heads 10,000 times in a row if that's going to ruin your day (for example, you may have code that depends on coinflips landing a certain way, or it'll fail to work. The coin is evil: You may run into the situation that just to ruin your day, during all your extensive testing, the coin flips heads, and during the first week in production it's all heads flips. And then the big new potential customer demos your app and the coin starts flipping some tails on you).

The coinflip decides which variant of the field is used - because every thread may or may not have a local cache of that field. When you write to a field from any thread? Coin is flipped, on tails, the local cache is updated and nothing more happens. Read from any thread? Coin is flipped. On tails, the local cache is used.

That's not really what happens of course (your JVM does not actually have evil coins nor is it out to get you), but the JMM (Java Memory Model), along with the realities of modern hardware, means that this abstraction works very well: It will reliably lead to the right answer when writing concurrent code, namely, that any field that is touched by more than one thread must have guards around it, or must never change at all during the entire duration of the multi-thread access 'session'.

You can force the JVM to flip the coin the way you want, by establishing so-called Happens Before relationships. This is explicit terminology used by the JMM. If 2 lines of code have a Happens-Before relationship (one is defined as 'happening before' the other, as per the JMM's list of HB relationship establishing actions), then it is not possible (short of a bug in the JVM itself) to observe any side effect of the HA line whilst not also observing all side effects of the HB line. (That is to say: the 'happens before' line happens before the 'happens after' line as far as your code could ever tell, though it's a bit of schrodiner's cat situation. If your code doesn't actually look at these files in a way that you'd ever be able to tell, then the JVM is free to not do that. And it won't, you can rely on the evil coin being evil: If the JMM takes a 'right', there will be some combination of CPU, OS, JVM release, version, and phase of the moon that combine to use it).

A small selection of common HB/HA establishing conditions:

  • The first line inside a synchronized(lock) block is HA relative to the hitting of that block in any other thread.
  • Exiting a synchronized(lock) block is HB relative to any other thread entering any synchronized(lock) block, assuming the two locks are the same reference.
  • thread.start() is HB relative to the first line that thread will run.
  • The 'natural' HB/HA: line X is HB relative to line Y if X and Y are run by the same thread and X is 'before it' in your code. You can't write x = 5; y = x; and have y be set by a version of x that did not witness the x = 5 happening (of course, if another thread is also modifying x, all bets are off unless you have HB/HA with whatever line is doing that).
  • writes and reads to volatile establish HB/HA but you usually can't get any guarantees about which direction.

This explains the way your code may fail: The get() call establishes absolutely no HB/HA relationship with the other thread that is calling put(), and therefore the get() call may or may not use locally cached variants of the various fields that HashMap uses internally, depending on the evil coin (which is of course hitting some fields; it'll be private fields in the HashMap implementation someplace, so you don't know which ones, but HashMap obviously has long-lived state, which implies fields are involved).

So why haven't you actually managed to 'see' your code asplode like the JMM says it will? Because the coin is EVIL. You cannot rely on this line of reasoning: "I wrote some code that should fail if the synchronizations I need aren't happening the way I want. I ran it a whole bunch of times, and it never failed, therefore, apparently this code is concurrency-safe and I can use this in my production code". That is simply not ever actually reliable. That's why you need to be thinking: Evil! That coin is out to get me! Because if you don't, you may be tempted to write test code like this.

You should be scared of writing code where more than one thread interacts with the same field. You should be bending over backwards to avoid it. Use message queues. Do your chat between threads by using databases, which have much nicer primitives for this stuff (transactions and isolation levels). Rewrite the code so that it takes a bunch of params up front and then runs without interacting with other threads via fields at all, until it is all done, and it then returns a result (and then use e.g. fork/join framework to make it all work). Make your webserver performant and using all the cores simply by relying on the fact that every incoming request will be its own thread, so the only thing that needs to happen for you to use all the cores is for that many folks to hit your server at the same time. If you don't have enough requests, great! Your server isn't busy so it doesn't matter you aren't using all the cores.

If truly you decide that interacting with the same field from multiple threads is the right answer, you need to think NASA programming mars rovers on the lines that interact with those fields, because tests simply cannot be relied upon. It's not as hard as it sounds - especially if you keep the actual interacting with the relevant fields down to a minimum and keep thinking: "Have I established HB/HA"?

In this case, I think Petr figured it out correctly: System.out.println is hella slow and does various synchronizing actions. JMM is a package deal, and commutative: Once HB/HA establishes, everything the HB line changed is observable to the code in the HA line, and add in the natural rule, which means all code that follows the HA line cannot possibly observe a universe where something any line before the HB line did is not yet visible. In other words, the System.out.println statements HB/HA with each other in some order, but you can't rely on that (System.out is not specced to synchronize. But, just about every implementation does. You should not rely on implementation details, and I can trivially write you some java code that is legal, compiles, runs, and breaks no contracts, because you can set System.out with System.setOut - that does not synchronize when interacting with System.out!). The evil coin in this case took the shape of 'accidental' synchronization via intentionally unspecced behaviour of System.out.