'animation' was deprecated in iOS 15.0

I used a very simple animation that opens a button bar in a very soft an smooth way:


I want to update my app to iOS15 and 'animation' was deprecated in iOS 15.0

So I tried to change my animation to:

.animation(.spring(response:1.5), value: 0)

or something like:

 .animation(.spring(response: 1.5, dampingFraction: 2.5, blendDuration: 2.5), value: 10)

however, the new animation pops up very fast and the smooth effect is gone.

Does anyone know how to bring my little spring animation to iOS 15?

Solution 1:

When using the animation modifier with value, the animation only runs when the value changes.

So for example, if the animation should be triggered when a boolean value is toggled, you would do the following:

@State private var showThing = false

/* ... */

.animation(.spring(response: 1.5), value: showThing)

When running showThing.toggle(), you will see this animation take affect.

Documentation for animation(_:value:):

Applies the given animation to this view when the specified value changes.

A view that applies animation to this view whenever value changes.

value: A value to monitor for changes.