Vuex store updating all instances, I only want current instance updated

That is because you're incrementing the likes for all comments regardless of their IDs. In order to increment the link for a specific comment, you need to pass some kind of identifier that will identify your comment. That identifier should be unique: in this case let's assume that the id field is unique.

Then, in your component you will need to commit the mutation with this bit of information (the identifier):

<button @click="addLike(">
  <img src="/img/icon-plus.svg" />

<p class="py-3 text-primaryBlue">{{ comment.likes }}</p>

<button @click="subtractLike(">
  <img src="/img/icon-minus.svg" />

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      reply: false,
  methods: {
    addLike(id) {
      this.$store.commit('comments/addLikes', id)
    subtractLike(id) {
      this.$store.commit('comments/subtractLikes', id)

Then you will need to update your commit definition to include that identifier. Use that identifier to find the comment whose like property you want to increment/decrement:

addLikes(state, id) {
  const foundComment = state.comments.find(comment => === id);
  if (foundComment) foundCommment.likes++;
subtractLikes(state, id) {
  const foundComment = state.comments.find(comment => === id);
  if (foundComment) foundCommment.likes--;

p/s: Remember that objects in your array is by reference, so foundComment is simply a reference to the original comment object in state.comments, which allows you to mutate it directly.