tkinter bindo to a button or change the command of a bind

If your function does not use Event passed by tkinter when a widget is bind-ed, then it is fairly simple:

def check_input(self,win,event=None):

self.but = Button(win, text="Submit", command=lambda: self.check_input(win))
win.bind("<enter>", lambda e: self.check_input(win,e))

Though an easier and dynamic way to always follow the buttons command is(like jasonharper said) but you cannot use e at all, even if triggered by the given event:

win.bind("<enter>", lambda e: self.but.invoke())

An example to account for using same function with bind and command of a button:

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

def func(win,e=None):
    if e is not None:
        print(f'Triggered by the hitting the {e.keysym} key')
        print('Triggered by the pressing button')

but = Button(root,text='Click me',command=lambda: func(root))

root.bind('<Return>',lambda e: func(root,e))


Also a good time to mention, your event is wrong, either you meant '<Return>'(enter key) or '<Enter>'(when you enter the bounds of a widget with cursor)