Create JSON.parse method to reuse VUE

So I'm iterating through an array (using Vue). In this array their are objects with strings.

notifications: [
  0: {
    idType: 1
    type: "delivered"
    user: 12
    visibility: true
    seller: 15
    product: "phone"
    additionalData: "{"type":"iphone","idType":5,"number":"2"}"
  1: {
    idType: 2
    type: "meeting"
    user: 12
    visibility: null
    seller: 12
    company: "hotell"
    additionalData: "{"location":"office","idType":7,"number":"8"}"
  2: {
    idType: 1
    type: "invoiced"
    user: 15
    visibility: null
    seller: 11
    value: 150000
    additionalData: "{"payment":"credit","idType":10,"number":"1"}"

So I need to parse all the info in the different additionalDatas. It gets kind of messy when I do it for each in the template so I want to create a method for it.

I've tried something like this:

parseText(type: string) {
    return JSON.parse(this.note.additionalData).type

This obviously doesn't work but can't figure out how to make it work. (sending note to parent component as a prop, and am also doing the v-for in the parent component)

Solution 1:

I'm not sure why the going for method doesn't work for you but you can also create a component that receives the object as a prop and have a computed property inside that will automatically parse it for you.

  v-for="notification in notifications
props: {
  notification: {
    required: true,
    type: Object,

computed() {
  additionalDataObj() {
    return JSON.parse(this.notification.additionalData)