SQL query inside another query?

This could use a bit of conditional aggregation to pivot that.

  CONCAT(t.user, ' / ', t.wallet) AS "User Wallet Address"
      WHEN t.storagesummary = 2 AND t.chain = 1 
        THEN t.total
      ELSE 0
      END) AS "Total Type1"
      WHEN t.storagesummary = 4 AND t.chain = 3
        THEN t.total 
      WHEN t.storagesummary = 1 AND t.chain = 1
        THEN t.total
      ELSE 0
      END) AS "Total Type2"
      WHEN t.storagesummary IN(2,5) AND t.chain >= 2 
        THEN t.total
      ELSE 0
      END) AS "Total Type3"
FROM MyTable t
GROUP BY t.user, t.wallet
ORDER BY t.user, t.wallet

Not sure if you need SUM or MAX though.
And the logic in the CASE's will needs corrections.
But if you get the concept, then you'll understand what to change.