Calculate the number of definite months in a period

The start year, start month, end year, and end month are the inputs (like May'2022 to June'2024). If I need to calculate how many definite months are included in this period (like how many January, March, or December are in this period), how can I achieve this using Python?

Use date_range with DatetimeIndex.month_name and Index.value_counts:

s = pd.date_range('2022-05-01','2024-06-01', freq='MS').month_name().value_counts()
print (s)
June         3
May          3
April        2
March        2
July         2
December     2
November     2
October      2
February     2
January      2
September    2
August       2
dtype: int64

Last select by index in Series called s:

print (s['January'])

print (s['March'])