Trying to Create an Audit Trail For Log in User History [duplicate]

I just started creating a website at my home.

Absolutely, I must have these two pages to finish my website rapidly:- footer.php, header.php.

So I created those pages & put some contents. Also created an index page as index.php inside the htdocs folder.

Then I did include the header & footer pages inside the index.php page by using these following codes.

<?php include 'header.php'; ?>
<?php include 'footer.php'; ?>

Undoubtedly, they worked fine without any trouble.

Then I created a directory as account inside the htdocs.

Now I've a login.php page inside the account directory (/account/login.php).

Repeatedly I used those same codes to include the header & footer in the login page. But they didn't work! I saw nothing is happening. If I create the login.php page inside of the htdocs folder (not in htdocs/account/), so it works.

So, how can I include them while the login page is in account directory?

Solution 1:

When creating sub directories and including files it is always simpler to use absolute file paths.

The path with reference to root directory is called absolute (, you can even remove the domain and just have /modules/header.php. The path with reference to current directory is called relative (../images/phone.png). The ../ indicates that the URL points to the directory above the current folder.

Please see answers relating to a similar question here: difference-between-relative-path-and-absolute-path-in-javascript