How to substitute the environment variable in the parameter defined in the .properties file

We have 2 test environments qa1 and qa2. Based on what we have defined in the Run/Debug configurations we either use file or file. We use Java, Selenium and IntelliJ IDEA IDE. I have defined the ENV_NAME=qa2 in the file

Within each of these properties file we have URLs defined. As an example in file we will have LOGIN_URL= and the same URL in file we will have LOGIN_URL=

As you see, the environment is hardcoded. I am trying to substitute the ENV_NAME in the URL but haven't been successful so far. Could you please help me.

Please have a look at Apache Configuration. It supports Variable Interpolation.

If you like to set ENV_NAME as a OS enviornment variable ENV_NAME=xyz your property will be written like


If you set ENV_NAME=xyz as property in the property file than you would write


Beside this Apache Configuration provides a lot of other cool stuff for flexible property definition.