Is there a Scala Spark equivalent to pandas Grouper freq feature?

Solution 1:

You can use the sql function window. First, you create the timestamp column, if you don´t have any yet, from a string type datetime:

val data =
  Seq(("2022-01-01 00:00:00", 1),
      ("2022-01-01 00:15:00", 1),
      ("2022-01-08 23:30:00", 1),
      ("2022-01-22 23:30:00", 4))

Then, apply the window function to the timestamp column, and do the aggregation to the column you need to obtain a result per slot:

val df0 = 
  df.groupBy(window(col("date"), "1 week", "1 week", "0 minutes"))
    .agg(sum("a") as "sum_a")

The result includes the calculated windows. Take a look to the doc for a better understanding of the input parameters:

val df1 ="window.start", "window.end", "sum_a")

it gives:

|              start|                end|sum_a|
|2022-01-20 01:00:00|2022-01-27 01:00:00|    4|
|2021-12-30 01:00:00|2022-01-06 01:00:00|    2|
|2022-01-06 01:00:00|2022-01-13 01:00:00|    1|