007guard: What is it, is it dangerous, and can it be removed?

Solution 1:

I'm pretty sure I know what's going on, and it's Spybot that did it to you (sort of).

Spybot put entries in your Hosts file, but removed the usual default localhost entry (or it is missing for some other reason).

"007guard.com" happens to be alphabetically first, so it was inserted at the top of the list.

When a process does a reverse lookup for the loopback's name (which happens frequently for many different, benign reasons), it will return the first matching record for found in the Hosts file.

Normally it would get localhost back as the name, because by default it's the first entry in the Hosts file, but it's not in yours, 007guard.com is.

0007guard.com, whatever malicious thing it was, is long gone but Spybot still ads the entry to Hosts, and you're just seeing references to the blocked domain because your loopback address' ( name is resolving incorrectly.

So opening your Hosts file and adding localhost above all other entries should fix the trouble you're having.