Google Cloud Code VSCode extension fills out my root drive

Okay so I found out what was the problem. The cloud code created a volume for the deployment in /var/lib/docker/volumes/NAME_OF_THE_DEPLOYMENT This volume is the storage of the container and it weigh a lot, I removed that from there for some free space and it worked. Now for next deployment I need to change the default volume location or move the docker install location to be in the home dir.

Here is a guide I found: Relocating the Docker Root directory If the file space in the Docker Root directory is not adequate, you must relocate Docker Root.

Procedure To relocate the Docker Root directory, complete the following steps as root or a user with “sudo all” authority:

Stop the Docker services:

sudo systemctl stop docker
sudo systemctl stop docker.socket
sudo systemctl stop containerd

Create the necessary directory structure into which to move Docker Root by running the following command. This directory structure must reside on a file system with at least 50GB free disk space. Significantly more disk space may be required depending on your daily ingestion volumes and data retention policy:

sudo mkdir -p /new_dir_structure

Move Docker Root to the new directory structure:

sudo mv /var/lib/docker /new_dir_structure

Edit the file /etc/docker/daemon.json. If the file does not exist, create the file by running the following command:

sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json

Add the following information to this file:

  "data-root": "/new_dir_structure/docker”

After the /etc/docker/daemon.json file is saved and closed, restart the Docker services:

sudo systemctl start docker

Run the command:

docker volume inspect NAME_OF_YOUR_VOLUME

and make sure the mount point is the new path.

Name of your volume can be obtain using:

docker volume ls

Hope it will help other people here.