How to add item to list stored in sharedPreferences?

listToSave is a List<Any> because List<String> + List<String>? is going to use the overload of plus that adds the second argument as a single element instead of iterating it and adding all its items. Why not make getSearchHistoryItems() return a non-nullable List (return with .orEmpty())?

Also, I think you are in danger of a crash when there is nothing currently stored in the SharedPreference. I don't use Gson much, but doesn't it throw an exception if you pass it an invalid Json String or null?

Also, a tip. There's a KTX extension function SharedPreferences.edit function that lets you pass a lambda where you can put the edits and not have to commit manually. A little bit cleaner to use. By default it internally uses apply() instead of commit() which is what you typically should be doing anyway. If you really need to guarantee there's a write before returning, you should be using coroutines or using Jetpack Datastore instead of SharedPreferences.

interface LocalPreferencesRepository {
    fun getSearchHistoryItems(): List<String>
    fun addSearchHistoryItem(item: String)

class LocalPreferencesRepositoryImpl(
    private val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences
) : LocalPreferencesRepository {

    override fun getSearchHistoryItems(): List<String> {
        return Gson().fromJson(
            sharedPreferences.getString(PREF_SEARCH_HISTORY, ""),
            object : TypeToken<ArrayList<String>>() {}.type

    override fun addSearchHistoryItem(item: String) {
        val listToSave = listOf(item).plus(getSearchHistoryItems())
        val json = Gson().toJson(listToSave)
        sharedPreferences.edit { putString(PREF_SEARCH_HISTORY, json) }

    companion object {
        private const val PREF_SEARCH_HISTORY = "PREF_SEARCH_HISTORY"