Laravel validation Form - Don't accept number into double quotes

I have this POST request:

    "documentType": "1",
    "metadata": []

And i have this validation rules:

const POST_RULES = [
    'documentType' => 'required|int',
    'metadata' => 'array',

The problem is:

I don't want accept this value of documentType ("1") because it's a string. Users of the application can send a string.

I need to accept only number (1, 2, 3, 4 etc ...) whitout double quotes.

It's possible to create rule for that ?

Thank's in advance,

Solution 1:

In the POST request, send number without quotes

    "documentType": 1,
    "metadata": []

You required an INT, not a STRING.

Or, you can accept the "1" and then check if that is a number:

if (is_numeric($request->documentType)) {
   // Do other stuff

   return true