What is thread synchronization and how does it differ form atomicity?

Something atomic is indivisible. Things that are synchronized are happening together in time.


I like to think of this like having a data structure representing a 2-dimensional point with x, y coordinates. For my purposes, in order for my data to be considered "valid" it must always be a point along the x = y line. x and y must always be the same.

Suppose that initially I have a point { x = 10, y = 10 } and I want to update my data structure so that it represents the point {x = 20, y = 20}. And suppose that the implementation of the update operation is basically these two separate steps:

  1. x = 20
  2. y = 20

If my implementation writes x and y separately like that, then some other thread could potentially observe my point data structure data after step 1 but before step 2. If it is allowed to read the value of the point after I change x but before I change y then that other observer might observe the value {x = 20, y = 10}.

In fact there are three values that could be observed

  • {x = 10, y = 10} (the original value) [VALID]
  • {x = 20, y = 10} (x is modified but y is not yet modified) [INVALID x != y]
  • {x = 20, y = 20} (both x and y are modified) [VALID]

I need a way of updating the two values together so that it is impossible for an outside observer observe {x = 20, y = 10}.

I don't really care when the other observer looks at the value of my point. It is fine it it observes { x = 10, y = 10 } and it is also fine if it observes { x = 20, y = 20 }. Both have the property of x == y, which makes them valid in my scenario.

Simplest atomic operation

The most simple atomic operation is a test and set of a single bit. This operation atomically reads a value of a bit and overwrites it with a 1, returning the state of the bit we overwrote. But we are offered the guarantee that if our operation has concluded then we have the value that we overwrote and any other observer will observe a 1. If many agents attempt this operation simultaneously, only one agent will return 0, and the others will all return 1. Even if it's two CPU's writing on the exact same clock tick, something in the electronics will guarantee that the operation is concluded logically atomically according to our rules.

That's it to logical atomicity. That's all atomic means. It means you have the capability of performing an uninterrupted update with valid data before and after the update and the data cannot be observed by another observer in any intermediate state it may take on during the update. It may be a single bit or it may be an entire database.

x86 Example

A good example of something that can be done on x86 atomically is the 32-bit interlocked increment.

Here a 32-bit (4-byte) value must be incremented by 1. This could potentially need to modify all 4 bytes for this to work correctly. If the value is to be modified from 0x000000FF to 0x00000100, it's important that the 0x00 becomes a 0x00 and the 0xFF becomes a 0x00 atomically. Otherwise I risk observing the value 0x00000000 (if the LSB is modified first) or 0x000001FF (if the MSB is modified first).

The hardware guarantees that we can test and modify 4 bytes at a time to achieve this. The CPU and memory provide a mechanism by which this operation can be performed even if there are other CPUs sharing the same memory. The CPU can assert a lock condition that prevents other CPUs from interfering with this interlocked operation.


Synchronization just talks about how things happen together in time. In the context you propose, it's about the order in which various sections of our program get executed and the order in which various components of our system change state. Without synchronization, we risk corruption (entering an invalid, semantically meaningless or incorrect state of execution of our program or its data)

Let's say we want to have an interlocked increment of a 64-bit number. Let's suppose that the hardware does not offer a way to atomically change 64-bits at a time. We will have to accomplish what we want with more complex data structure that means that even when just reading we can't simply read the most-significant 32 bits and the least-significant 32 bits of our 64-bit number separately. We'd risk observing one part of our 64-bit value changing separately from the other half. It means that we must adhere to some kind of protocol when reading (or writing) this 64-bit value.

To implement this, we need an atomic test and set bit operation and a clear bit operation. (FYI, technically, what we need are two operations commonly referred to as P and V in computer science, but let's keep it simple.) Before reading or writing our data, we perform an atomic test-and-set operation on a single (shared) bit (commonly referred to as a "lock"). If we read a zero, then we know we are the only one that saw a zero and everyone else must have seen a 1. If we see a 1, then we assume someone else is using our shared data, and therefore we have no choice but to just try again. So we loop and keep testing and setting the bit until we observe it as a 0. (This is called a spin lock, and is the best we can do without getting help from the operating system's scheduler.)

When we eventually see a 0, then we can safely read both 32-bit parts of our 64-bit value individually. Or, if we're writing, we can safely write both 32-bit parts of our 64-bit value individually. Once both halves have been read or written, we clear the bit back to 0, permitting access by someone else.

Any such combination of cleverness and use of atomic operations to avoid corruption in this manner constitutes synchronization because we are governing the order in which certain sections of our program can run. And we can achieve synchronization of any complexity and of any amount of data so long as we have access to some kind of atomic data.

Once we have created a program that uses a lock to share a data structure in a conflict-free way, we could also refer to that data structure as being logically atomic. C++ provides a std::atomic to achieve this, for example.

Remember that synchronization at this level (with a lock) is achieved by adhering to a protocol (protecting your data with a lock). Other forms of synchronization, such as what happens when two CPUs try to access the same memory on the same clock tick, are resolved in hardware by the CPUs and the motherboard, memory, controllers, etc. But fundamentally something similar is happening, just at the motherboard level.