SQL Server gives error to unreachable code

We have the following case:

  1. We have a SQL Server database with a table CL_Example and another database with a view with the same name CL_Example. This view is created by using more than one table with inner join.

  2. The structure of the CL_Example view and CL_Example table is the same.

  3. We have a SQL script which will be executed on both of these databases. In case it finds CL_Example as a table, it should insert the data, and if it finds CL_Example as view, then it should not insert the data.

But when we are executing the script on the database where CL_Example is a view, we get the following error:

Update or insert of view or function 'dbo.CL_Example' failed because it contains a derived or constant field.

This bug is getting generated even if the insert statement is unreachable for the database where CL_Example is the view. Can we prohibit this error and continue to execute the script in both databases?

SQL Server compiles all the statements in a batch before executing.

This will be a compile time error and stop the batch compiling (referencing non existent objects can cause the statement to have deferred compilation where it tries again at statement execution time but this does not apply here).

If the batch may need to run such problem statements you need to move them into a different scope so they are only compiled if they meet your flow of control conditions.

Often the easiest way of doing that is to wrap the whole problem statement in EXEC('')

IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.CL_Example', 'U') IS NOT NULL /*It is a table*/
    EXEC('UPDATE dbo.CL_Example ....')

Or use sys.sp_executesql if it isn't just a static string and you need to pass parameters to it.