OpenGL / QT : Need help in Converting from QImage to Opengl format and render the pixels

You can create a QOpenGLTexture object directly from a QImage:

You can then use that texture directly for any image related OpenGL operations.

Basically the whole idea is writing to back buffer and restoring the back buffer and render pixels to avoid redraw.

Don't do that! It will actually impair performance, since drawing on top of previously rendered content introduces implicit synchronization points, thereby eliminating options to render new contents in parallel to advancing the presentation swap chain.

As "counterintuitive" as it may sound, just redraw the whole thing, each and every frame. If your codebase is that old, then the complexity of what you're drawing very likely is going to be so low, that you could easily render thousands of frames per second.

On the other hand retaining the contents of the backbuffer constitutes a cache and thus introduces the complexity of deciding upon cache invalidation.

I bet, that just redrawing using modern methods (geometry in buffer objects, index buffers, untangling of sync points) and simplifying the rendering code path by mere elimination the code that's responsible for determining when to actually redraw portions of the picture will actually vastly outperform anything what you had before.