Modification of the json value in c#. model a correct parsing way

I have written my code where I read an api and get the json output as below.

        "kind": "Entity",    
 "errors": [
            "ErrorMessage": "MissingUnit",
            "ObjType": "Property",
            "Object": "test:batsman",
            "RefObject": "bbl:BATS364"} ],   

But now I need to modify my output as something like this :

data": {
    "kind": "ENTITY",
    "payload": {
      "tag-batsman:attributes": {
        "bbl:BATS364": null,
      "relations": {
        "bbl:997171SD": [
        "bbl:4894": [
        "bbl:KITE212": [
        "tag-bbf-pubsub:type": [
    "type": "EQUIPMENT",
    "version": "data-4-build-606"

Basically what I need is to create this json where if "bbl:xyz" key in input json contains bbl: or pd: in their values then they go under "relations" key of output json as shown above and rest all bbl:xyz will go under "attributes" key as shown in above Json model, rest keys and values pair are constant and can be managed. How can I do it in C#?

For starting lets say my input json is recorded as a stream in response message below. How do I proceed from here?

string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
var req1 = await ProxyRequest(req.Body);
var responseMessage = await req1.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

Solution 1:

I'm not sure I fully understood all the requirements and the mapping is not completely clear to me, but you could utilize a library like Newtonsoft.Json to do something like this. I assume this sample should get you on the right track at least.

internal class JsonTranslatorOptions
    public JsonTranslatorOptions(
        string kind,
        string type,
        string version)
        Kind = kind;
        Type = type;
        Version = version;

    public string Kind { get; }
    public string Type { get; }
    public string Version { get; }

internal enum PropertySection

internal class JsonTranslator
    private const string KeyKeyword = "bbl:";
    private static readonly string[] ValueKeywords = { KeyKeyword, "pd:" };

    private readonly JObject _attributes = new();
    private readonly JObject _data = new();
    private readonly JObject _payload = new();
    private readonly JObject _relations = new();
    private readonly JObject _root = new();

    public JsonTranslator(JsonTranslatorOptions options)

    public JObject Translate(JObject input)

        return _root;

    private void TraverseObject(JObject input)
        foreach (JProperty property in input.Properties())

    private void TraverseArray(JArray array)
        foreach (JToken element in array)
            if (element is JValue)

            foreach (JProperty property in ((JObject)element).Properties())

    private void TraverseProperty(JProperty property)
        switch (property.Value.Type)
            case JTokenType.Object:
            case JTokenType.Array:

    private void MapPropertyValue(JProperty property)
        switch (GetPropertySection(property))
            case PropertySection.Attribute:
            case PropertySection.Relation:

    private static PropertySection GetPropertySection(JProperty property)
        var value = property.Value.Value<string?>();

        if (!property.Name.Contains(KeyKeyword))
            return PropertySection.None;

        if (value is null || !ValueKeywords.Any(keyword => value.Contains(keyword)))
            return PropertySection.Attribute;

        return PropertySection.Relation;

    private void Initialize(JsonTranslatorOptions options)
        _root.Add("data", _data);


    private void InitializeData(JsonTranslatorOptions options)
        _data.Add("kind", options.Kind);
        _data.Add("payload", _payload);
        _data.Add("type", options.Type);
        _data.Add("version", options.Version);


    private void InitializePayload()
        _payload.Add("tag-batsman:attributes", _attributes);
        _payload.Add("relations", _relations);

Using it should look like this:

var json = JObject.Parse(@"{""BaseObject"":""P | GL"",""bbl: BL | 12 | 11"":""BL | GL | 01"",""BaseObjectDescription"":""PlayerBatsman"",""bbl: B827222"":""downBatsman"",""CreateDate"":""06.01.2022"",""Description"":""PlayerBatsman"",""errors"":[{""ErrorMessage"":""MissingUnit"",""ObjType"":""Property"",""Object"":""test: batsman"",""RefObject"":""bbl: BATS364""}],""bbl: NO87872"":""GHG66762"",""bbl: PONI9912"":""bbl: NOI65661"",""bbl: KOK1022"":""KOK002"",""bbl: 997171SD"":""bbl: YUT12232"",""bbl: 89812"":false,""bbl: 4894"":""pd: 96"",""bbl: KITE212"":""pd: QUTEQ001"",""ProjectCategory"":""Feed"",""bbf: type"":[""[\""bbl:P3924\"",\""boss:Noball\""]""], ""primarybbf:type"":""[\""bbl:P101003924\"",\""boss:Tag\""]""}");
var options = new JsonTranslatorOptions(
    kind: "ENTITY",
    type: "EQUIPMENT",
    version: "data-4-build-606");
var translator = new JsonTranslator(options);
var output = translator.Translate(json);

The current output it's giving:

  "data": {
    "kind": "ENTITY",
    "payload": {
      "tag-batsman:attributes": {
        "bbl: 89812": false
      "relations": {
        "bbl: PONI9912": "bbl: NOI65661",
        "bbl: 997171SD": "bbl: YUT12232",
        "bbl: 4894": "pd: 96",
        "bbl: KITE212": "pd: QUTEQ001"
    "type": "EQUIPMENT",
    "version": "data-4-build-606"