The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported

I have been using github actions for quite sometime but today my deployments started failing. Below is the error from github action logs

Command: git
Arguments: ls-remote --tags --heads git://
Directory: /home/runner/work/stackstream-fe/stackstream-fe
fatal: remote error: 
  The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported.

Upon investigation, it appears that below section in my yml file is causing the issue.

    - name: Installing modules
      run: yarn install

I have looked into this change log but can't seem to comprehend the issue.

Additional Details: Server: EC2 Instance Github actions steps:

  - name: Checkout
    uses: actions/checkout@v2

  - id: vars
    run: |
      if [ '${{ github.ref }}' == 'refs/heads/master' ]; then echo "::set-output name=environment::prod_stackstream" ; echo "::set-output name=api-url::api" ; elif [ '${{ github.ref }}' == 'refs/heads/staging' ]; then echo "::set-output name=environment::staging_stackstream"  ; echo "::set-output name=api-url::stagingapi" ; else echo "::set-output name=environment::dev_stackstream" ; echo "::set-output name=api-url::devapi" ; fi

  - uses: pCYSl5EDgo/cat@master
    id: slack
      path: .github/workflows/slack.txt

  - name: Slack Start Notification
    uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3
      ENVIRONMENT: '`${{ steps.vars.outputs.environment }}`'
      COLOR: good
      STATUS: '`Started`'
      status: custom
      fields: workflow,job,commit,repo,ref,author,took
      custom_payload: |
        ${{ steps.slack.outputs.text }}

  - name: Installing modules
      REACT_APP_API_URL: 'https://${{ steps.vars.outputs.api-url }}'
    run: yarn install

  - name: Create Frontend Build
      REACT_APP_API_URL: 'https://${{ steps.vars.outputs.api-url }}'
    run: yarn build

  - name: Deploy to Frontend Server DEV
    if: ${{ contains(github.ref, 'dev') }}
    uses: easingthemes/[email protected]
      SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.DEV_KEY }}
      ARGS: '-rltgoDzvO --delete'
      SOURCE: 'deploy/'
      REMOTE_HOST: ${{ secrets.DEV_HOST }}
      REMOTE_USER: plyfolio-dev
      TARGET: '/home/plyfolio-dev/${{ steps.vars.outputs.environment }}/fe/deploy'

package.json file

  "name": "stackstream-fe",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "authors": [
    "[email protected]"
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
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    "@fullcalendar/daygrid": "^5.5.0",
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Solution 1:

First, this error message is indeed expected on Jan. 11th, 2022.
See "Improving Git protocol security on GitHub "

January 11, 2022 Final brownout.

This is the full brownout period where we’ll temporarily stop accepting the deprecated key and signature types, ciphers, and MACs, and the unencrypted Git protocol.
This will help clients discover any lingering use of older keys or old URLs.

Second, check your package.json dependencies for any git:// URL, as in this example, fixed in this PR.

As noted by Jörg W Mittag:

There was a 4-month warning.
The entire Internet has been moving away from un-authenticated, un-encrypted protocols for a decade, it's not like this is a huge surprise.

Personally, I consider it less an "issue" and more "detecting unmaintained dependencies".

Plus, this is still only the brownout period, so the protocol will only be disabled for a short period of time, allowing developers to discover the problem.

The permanent shutdown is not until March 15th.

For GitHub Actions:

As in actions/checkout issue 14, you can add as a first step:

    - name: Fix up git URLs
      run: echo -e '[url ""]\n  insteadOf = "git://"' >> ~/.gitconfig

That will change any git:// into

For local projects

For all your repositories, you can set:

git config --global url."".insteadOf git://

Solution 2:

Try using the following command before install:

git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

Solution 3:

@toast-ui/react-chart dependency is causing issue for you here.

If you look closely inside your package-lock.json you can backtrack eve to @toast-ui/react-chart

eve --> raphael --> tui-chart --> @toast-ui/react-chart

You can follow this same technique to find any more issues inside your project.

Solution 4:

Try using instead of git://