Haskell list of tuples vs tuple comparrison

I'm playing with my first non-trivial (in my eyes) attempt at something in Haskell. I'm probably going to ask questions about each part to compare my coming-from-long-term-relationship-with-c-like-languages attempt to what you-as-seasoned-functional-programmer might do. Luckily Haskell makes it hard to fall back on straight c-to-haskell code conversion. You have to learn how to do it right - and I want to.

For this part, I have a [2uple] and a 2uple. I want to know if any item in the 2uple is in any of the items in the [2uple].

hasmatch tlst tupm = foldr (\tup acc -> 
                                let tmatch (a,b) (c,d) = a==c || b==c || a==d || b==d in
                                if tmatch tup tupm
                                then (Just True)    -- short out
                                else acc            -- do nothing, keep looping
                          ) Nothing tlst

-- hasmatch [(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)] (5,3) ==> Just True
-- hasmatch [(1,2), (9,4), (7,6)] (5,3) ==> Nothing

I'd prefer to return a plain Bool but no biggie there.

I'm sure there is another way that I would have to grok at for a while to understand. That is good. Looking for takers.


Let's start from your code.

hasmatch tlst tupm =
   foldr (\tup acc -> 
          let tmatch (a,b) (c,d) = a==c || b==c || a==d || b==d in
          if tmatch tup tupm
          then (Just True)    -- short out
          else acc            -- do nothing, keep looping
         ) Nothing tlst

Since you say you prefer a boolean result, we can switch to that. Indeed, a boolean would be better since in the above code we never return Just False.

hasmatch tlst tupm =
   foldr (\tup acc -> 
          let tmatch (a,b) (c,d) = a==c || b==c || a==d || b==d in
          if tmatch tup tupm
          then True    -- short out
          else acc     -- do nothing, keep looping
         ) False tlst

Now, if x then True else y is simply x || y.

hasmatch tlst tupm =
   foldr (\tup acc -> 
          let tmatch (a,b) (c,d) = a==c || b==c || a==d || b==d in
          tmatch tup tupm || acc
         ) False tlst

If you wonder, || will not evaluate acc when we find a match. This is the same lazy semantics as C short-circuiting. Compared to C, the main difference is that a boolean variable acc can represent the unevaluated boolean result, while in C it's always a fully evaluated boolean value.

Now, tmatch uses the same second argument, tupm, so we can inline that, and pattern-match early:

hasmatch tlst (c,d) =
   foldr (\tup acc -> 
          let tmatch (a,b) = a==c || b==c || a==d || b==d in
          tmatch tup || acc
         ) False tlst

We can even move the let outside to improve readability.

hasmatch tlst (c,d) =
   let tmatch (a,b) = a==c || b==c || a==d || b==d 
   in foldr (\tup acc -> tmatch tup || acc) False tlst

We can also use a where here:

hasmatch tlst (c,d) = foldr (\tup acc -> tmatch tup || acc) False tlst
   where tmatch (a,b) = a==c || b==c || a==d || b==d

Finally, we can exploit a library function: any. Calling any p list evaluates to True iff there is any element in list that satisfies property p. Our code becomes:

hasmatch tlst (c,d) = any tmatch tlst
   where tmatch (a,b) = a==c || b==c || a==d || b==d

That's it.

Note that there are alternatives to the above approach. One could be turning the list of tuples [(a,b), (c,d), ... into a list of all the components [a,b,c,d,..., and working with that.

hasmatch tlst (c,d) = any tmatch [ x | (a,b) <- tlst, x <- [a,b]]
   where tmatch x = x==c || x==d

Based on chi's answer you may be better off defining a datatype with this equality?

{-# Language DerivingStrategies       #-}
{-# Language InstanceSigs             #-}
{-# Language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}

import Data.Kind (Type)

type AnyTuple :: Type -> Type
data AnyTuple a = a :×: a
  deriving stock Show

instance Eq a => Eq (AnyTuple a) where
  (==) :: AnyTuple a -> AnyTuple a -> Bool
  a1:×:b1 == a2:×:b2 = or [ x == y | x <- [a1, b1], y <- [a2, b2] ]

Then the function you seek is a standard library function like elem or find

>> 5:×:3 `elem` [1:×:2, 3:×:4, 5:×:6]
>> 5:×:3 `elem` [1:×:2, 9:×:4, 7:×:6]

>> find (== 5:×:3) [1:×:2, 3:×:4, 5:×:6]
Just (3 :×: 4)
>> find (== 5:×:3) [1:×:2, 9:×:4, 7:×:6]