Having issues with deleting object from an array where match is found
Solution 1:
how about shorter solution?
const findAndDeleteAll = (tree, childrenKey, nestedKey, nestedValue) => {
return{...tree, [childrenKey]: tree[childrenKey].filter((row) => {
return row[nestedKey] !== nestedValue;
const a = findAndDeleteAll(tree, 'items', 'group', null) // work and delete all where match. then returns the tree without deleted objects
const b = findAndDeleteAll(tree, 'items', 'group', 'd575c91f-4765-4073-a948-5e305116610c') // promise rejection
Solution 2:
Your function would be so much simper, reusable, better, if you send not the redundant tree
- but instead deleteFrom(tree.items, "group", null);
. think about it.
const deleteFrom = (arr, pr, val) => arr.filter(ob => ob[pr] !== val);
const tree = {
type: "app",
info: "Custom Layout",
items: [
{ id: "10c", title: "Fc", group: null },
{ id: "bea", title: null, group: null },
{ id: "dd6", title: null, group: "10c" },
{ id: "b39", title: null, group: "10c" },
Children: []
const items = deleteFrom(tree.items, "group", null);
console.log(items); // Only the filtered items array
const newTree = {...tree, items};
console.log(newTree); // Your brand new tree!