Using different struct definitions to simulate public and private fields in C

  1. Am I overlooking something that may make this whole ordeal pointless, i.e. is there a simpler way to do this or is this explicitly discouraged, and if so, what are the objective reasons behind it.

Yes: your approach produces undefined behavior.

C requires that

All declarations that refer to the same object or function shall have compatible type; otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

(C17 6.2.7/2)

and that

An object shall have its stored value accessed only by an lvalue expression that has one of the following types:

  • a type compatible with the effective type of the object,
  • a qualified version of a type compatible with the effective type of the object,


  • an aggregate or union type that includes one of the aforementioned types among its members (including, recursively, a member of a subaggregate or contained union), or
  • a character type.

(C17 6.5/7, a.k.a. the "Strict Aliasing Rule")

Your two definitions of struct ExampleStruct define incompatible types because they specify different numbers of members (see C17 6.2.7/1 for more details on structure type compatibility). You will definitely have problems if you pass instances by value between functions relying on different of these incompatible definitions. You will have trouble if you construct arrays of them, whether dynamically, automatically, or statically, and attempt to use those across boundaries between TUs using one definition and those using another. You may have problems even if you do none of the above, because the compiler may behave unexpectedly, especially when optimizing. DO NOT DO THIS.

Other alternatives:

  1. Opaque pointers. This means you do not provide any definition of struct ExampleStruct in those TUs where you want to hide any of its members. That does not prevent declaring and using pointers to such a structure, but it does prevent accessing any members, declaring new instances, or passing or receiving instances by value. Where member access is needed from TUs that do not have the structure definition, it would need to be mediated by accessor functions.

  2. Just don't access the "private" members. Do not document them in the public documentation, and if you like, explicity mark them (in code comments, for example) as reserved. This approach will be familiar to many C programmers, as it is used a lot for structures declared in POSIX system headers.

As long as the public has a complete definition for ExampleStruct, it can make code like:

 ExampleStruct a = *new_example_struct(42, 1.234);

Then the below will certainly fail.

 printf("%g\n", get_val(&a));

I recommend instead to create an opaque pointer and provide access public functions to the info in .data and .val.

Think of how we use FILE. FILE *f = fopen(...) and then fread(..., f), fseek(f, ...), ftell(f) and eventually fclose(f). I suggest this model instead. (Even if in some implementations FILE* is not opaque.)