Update a custom store object

There's lots of ways you can update a store dynamically from an input, including directly or indirectly via a function.

Given a simple writeable store...


import {writable} from "svelte/store";

export const writableStore = writable({
    a: true,
    b: true

... here's two examples of updating the values, directly (a) or indirectly (b):


    import {writableStore} from "./stores.js";
    let b = $writableStore.b;
    // This function could be on a "custom" store.
    function updateB( value ) {
        // Validate value in context of other values?
        // Send to API.
        // Result good ... update store.
        $writableStore.b = value;
        return $writableStore.b;
    $: bCurrent = updateB( b );

<h2>A: {$writableStore.a}</h2>
<label for="a">Toggle A</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="a" bind:checked={$writableStore.a} />

<h2>B: {bCurrent}</h2>
<label for="b">Toggle B</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="b" bind:checked={b} />

REPL: https://svelte.dev/repl/fb09138522d84e7e9fbb642193e8258c?version=3.45.0

The example for b waits to update the store, which may not be what you want.

If you can send to API via a "Save" button, then the example for a may be all you need, calling a function via the button to send the store data to the API etc.

These are just super simple examples, I tend to use functions on custom stores for saving to the API etc and using the store's update() function to sync results.