How to get vim to list the PIDs of selected files that are presently being edited, avoiding recovery mode, and not list all the other files

Solution 1:

after switching my focus to just vim -r, and

  • Knowing that vim will try to put the swap file into the same directory as the file it's editing ( thanks to @romainl for the pointer to :help swap-file )

  • observing that vim -r reports on the files in the current directory first,

  • observing that the file name associated with the swap file is reported before the process id of the vim process, and

  • observing that vim appends (STILL RUNNING) if it finds the active process

  • I changed the current directory appropriately and ran this code after plugging in the name of the file-to-search-for

     perl -lne '
       last if /^\s+In directory/;
       undef $f if /^\d+/;
       $f = $1 if /^\s+file name:\s+(.*)\s*$/;
       if ( $f =~ m#/file-to-search-for# && /^\s+ process ID:\s(\d+).*?STILL RUNNING/ ) {
         print $1;
         $pid //= $1;
       END { exit !$pid; } '

The pid of the running vim process is printed, and the exit status is zero when the appropiate swap file is found, and non-zero if the file was not being edited