How to correctly configure resources with jersey programmatically

Solution 1:

The problem is with your lambdas. Basically, you have

Inflector<ContainerRequestContext, ?> lambda = (ContainerRequestContext ctx) -> {
                return Response.ok("Posted Profile {" + (ctx == null) + "}").build();

If you check the method argument type:

for (Method m : lambda.getClass().getMethods()) {
  if ("apply".equals(m.getName())) {
     for (Type t : m.getGenericParameterTypes()) {
         System.out.println(t); //java.lang.Object

you get java.lang.Object. So Jersey tries to get Object type from the entity stream and gets null.

So you need to tell java to use ContainerRequestContext argument type by a real anonymous class:

Inflector<ContainerRequestContext, Response> anonymous = new Inflector<>() {
    public Response apply(ContainerRequestContext ctx) {
        return Response.ok("Posted Profile {" + (ctx == null) + "}").build();

for (Method m : anonymous.getClass().getMethods()) {
    if ("apply".equals(m.getName())) {
        for (Type t : m.getGenericParameterTypes()) {
            System.out.println(t); // ContainerRequestContext 