User Input only at the end of while loop

You can handle user input that is not a number as shown in

You should not use break when the user wins or loses. If you use it, the user is not able to play the game again.

To prevent the program from asking every time whether the user wants to play again, you have to check again for remaining tries if attempts == 0 or guess == computerNum.

from random import random
import random

# Guessing Game
attempts = 5

print("===GUESS THE NUMBER===")
print(f"GAME OBJECTIVE: Guess the computer's number in {attempts} tries")

running = True

computerNum = random.randint(1, 15)

while running == True:
        guess = int(input("Guess the number:\n>"))
    except ValueError as e:
        print("Enter a number")


    if guess > computerNum:
        attempts -= 1
        print(f"[You have {attempts} tries left]")

    if guess < computerNum:
        attempts -= 1
        print(f"[You have {attempts} tries left]")

    if attempts == 0:
        print("GAME OVER!!!")
        print(f"The computer's number is {computerNum}")

    if guess == computerNum:
        print("You have guessed the number!!!")
        print("YOU WIN!!!")

    if attempts == 0 or guess == computerNum:
        playAgain = input("Do you want to continue playing(Y/N):\n")

        if playAgain in ("N", "n"):
            computerNum = random.randint(1, 15)
            attempts = 5