If 2+ Records, Keep Highest Premium

I've seen queries that use max(value) with group by to select highest value where duplicate ID (SQL Select highest value where duplicate ID), however, I believe I'm not applying the approach correctly and was hoping someone could assist.

I need to do a select into statement, as I'll be referencing this table at a later point. Keeping that in mind, my code looks like this:

select class, record_id, max(salesprice) as salesprice, category, zone
into ##weeklysalestable
from ##salestable
where class in ('residential')
group by class, record id, category, zone
order by  record_id, class, category,zone

The problem is that SQL is prompting me to name column 3 (so i added that to the code above) which then I believe is causing the output to not drop the duplicate with the lower salesprice. Goal is simply to keep the the record_id with the highest sales price.

Can max() not be applied in this scenario? If so, is there an alternative approach?

Sample source data:

class record_id salesprice category zone
A1 AR2695 13 NEW NE
A1 AR2695 26 NEW NE
B2 AL5397 18 USL SE
C3 AM3920 39 NEW SW

Desired Output:

record_id class salesprice category zone
AR2695 A1 26 NEW NE
AL5397 B2 18 USL SE
AM3920 C3 39 NEW SW

Any advice would be great.

One option is using the window function row_number() over() in a subquery

select class,
into ##weeklysalestable
from ( Select *
             ,rn = row_number() over (partition by class,category,zone order by salesprice desc)    -- assuming `record_id` doesn't need to be in the `partition`
        From ##salestable
        where class in ('residential')
     ) A
Where RN = 1

Another option is using WITH TIES (a nudge less performant)

select top 1 with ties 
into ##weeklysalestable
from ##salestable
where class in ('residential')
order by row_number() over (partition by class,category,zone order by salesprice desc)  -- assuming `record_id` doesn't need to be in the `partition`