Set Socket.IO polling frequency?

Is there any way to set (i. e. reduce) the polling frequency for Socket.IO (v4.4) when using the long polling transport? Either on the server or the client?

The long polling transport is described in the documentation, and usually acts as a fallback (but can be explicitly set) when a WebSocket connection cannot be established:

The bidirectional channel between the Socket.IO server (Node.js) and the Socket.IO client (browser, Node.js, or another programming language) is established with a WebSocket connection whenever possible, and will use HTTP long-polling as fallback.

Solution 1:

Short answer: No Long answer: Well that's not how works. It doesn't "poll" That would defeat the whole purpose of increased performing and whatnot. What does on the client is wait for the server to send data. It doesn't ask the server for it. Same thing to send messages. And the exact same thing on the server. Which is why you don't have to bother with the poll rate.