High Google Firebase Storage Cost for saving and downloading .mp4 files?

I'm saving videos to Firebase Storage and creating a URL for it which I saving into Cloud Firestore. So when ever someone watch a video I call the URL and Firebase downloads it. That increased my project costs enormously.
The question that I have is, is there a way to save the mp4 files cheaper?
And maybe also make it faster to download?
The best solution will be if I can like I used before. So in the new solution, also use the download URL which I saved in cloud Firestore. So that I don't need change too much. My Project is using Flutter in client side.

I created a mobile app, where user can upload videos for example like Instagram or TikTok.

I'm willing to pay if you freelancer and can help.

Solution 1:

You can use Youtube or Vimeo to store your videos for free (Vimeo is limited to 500mb). Then you can use a package from pub.dev to display these videos.

YouTube package (does not support to download the file, only playback)

Vimeo package (max 500mb, then you have to pay)

So both have their advantages and disadvantages.