Mediapipe in Mac M1 pro machine with ARM, facing issue with AUTORELEASEPOOL while bazel build for hello_world

I am using the latest Mac M1 pro (ARM) machine and was trying to install mediapipe as per this tutorial -

I was consistently getting the following error during this command:

$ bazel run --define MEDIAPIPE_DISABLE_GPU=1 \


mediapipe/framework/ error: expected expression
mediapipe/framework/ note: expanded from macro 'AUTORELEASEPOOL'

Solution 1:

While looking into the error carefully and tracing back to the mediapipe framework file I found there is some issue in AUTORELEASEPOOL define.

I've updated this line ''' #define AUTORELEASEPOOL @autoreleasepool ''' to ''' #define AUTORELEASEPOOL '''

and it works for me, as I'm able to build mediapipe hello_world as expected.

Seems like, has not been written carefully considering this type of issues or maybe needs to be tested more.

Hopefully, this will help you all.


Solution 2:

It looks like M1 Mac is not detected properly by Bazel as an apple build and a change in mediapipe/framework/BUILD needs to be done

    name = "scheduler_queue",
    srcs = [""],
    hdrs = [
    copts = select({
    -        "//conditions:default": [],
    +        "//conditions:default": ["-ObjC++"],
        "//mediapipe:apple": [

This will allow Objective C++ directive @autoreleasepool to be available which is used here for memory management. It is not a good idea to get rid of it in code (as in the answer from hemant kshirsagar).