Substitute for "give or take"

Is there a better word or way of saying give or take to refer to the possibility of inaccuracy? For example,

I will be arriving in 30 minutes, give or take 5 minutes.

I want to indicate the possibility of arriving within five minutes of either side. So about or approximately are too vague.

There isn't a "better" way of saying it.

In a more formal context you might say something more like "to within five minutes", and in a more "geeky" context you might say (or more likely write) "+/- 5 minutes".

But for most purposes (in particular, speech) OP should just stick with "give or take".

In a technical or scientific context, you can use "with a tolerance of".

For example:

The process is expected to complete in 30 minutes with a tolerance of 5 minutes.

"I will be arriving in 30 minutes, Plus or minus 5 minutes". "I will be arriving in 25 to 35 minutes". "I will be arriving within 5 minutes of 4:30". "I'll be there about 4:30".