Unicode characters cannot be displayed on Chrome tab title on Linux

After doing an apt-get dist-upgrade, unicode characters including Chinese and Japanese cannot be displayed in Chrome's tab titles. They are correctly displayed elsewhere (e.g. page content, bookmarks, etc.)

I have already tried

1. apt-get purge google-chrome-stable and reinstall
2. create new profile in chrome
3. rm -rf ~/.config/google-chrome

Any help would be appreciated.

Chrome Version:32.0.1700.77 (Official Build 244503)

Operating System: Linux Mint 13 Maya

enter image description here

Solution 1:

I encountered the same problem and the following worked for me:

  1. Go to /etc/fonts/conf.d
  2. Backup then remove any of the *.conf entries for the Google Droid font (in my case 59- droid-serif-fonts.conf 60-droid-sans-mono-fonts.conf 65-droid-sans-fonts.conf)
  3. Update fontconfig fc-cache -f -r

Your problem should now be fixed :-D