My usb flash drive is not showing up in nautilus in Ubuntu 15.10. How to fix?

I have a Kingston 32 Gigabyte USB flash drive that is detected in the Disks program but not showing up in the Files program.

Solution 1:

In the Disks program, what is the partitioning scheme for your flash drive?

Usually it is a single partition if FAT32 type. If it is any different, please comment. Note down the device name for the partition (Example: `/dev/sdb1')

Follow these procedures in a terminal:

  • cd /media/<yourusername>'
  • sudo mkdir flashdrive
  • sudo mount /dev/sdb1 flashdrive
  • cd flashdrive && ls-ltr

The contents of your drive should be listed by now. Most likely, Nautilus will also show your usb drive. To manually unmount the drive, follow these step in a terminal:

  • cd /media/<yourusername>
  • sudo umount /dev/sdb1
  • sudo rm flashdrive -r

The problem appears to be that the system isn't automatically mounting the dive. If you have any problem following this solution, leave a comment. You can also create a script to do all this job automatically.

Solution 2:

Is the USB specifically not getting detected in Ubuntu 15.10 ? Have you tried plugging it in to other systems ? And did you remove it mid-way while formatting ?

If its a pen-drive problem and supposing you are not concerned about the data on the stick then you can use gParted.

Installation Guide :

After installing , launch gparted from the terminal. On the top right corner select your pen-drive /dev/sdb1 and create a partition table. That should do it.