Fix "NTFS Partition is in an Unsafe State" without Windows installed and ntfsfix refusing to operate

Ok, so I just installed my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Gnome 3 and tried to access my old Harddrive (obv NTFS). I can't do it though to the (well-known):

"The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume read-only with the 'ro' mount option."

Error, I don't have Windows installed anymore and when I tried to fix it with ntfsfix it just told me that "ntfsfix refuses to operate with read-write mounted device".

This may be a very simple Question, but as I said i'm new to Ubuntu so please don't be too harsh :)

I wan't to access my Drive normally. Thanks already for everyone helping :)

In the past, when you were running Microsoft Windows, much of the disk's data, file metadata, disk metadata and possibly Secret Microsoft Stuff was kept in RAM, for quick, easy access. The way you last shutdown/turned off/pulled the plug on Windows kept it from bringing the disk to a consistent, up-to-date state. Thus, the The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state.... message.

I'm unfamiliar with ntfsfix, but ntfsfix refuses to operate with read-write mounted device means that you have the drive mounted with the read-write options, so that any other process can write to the disk while ntfsfix is performing disk surgery. This can lead to total confusion and data loss. You must unmount the disk first

sudo umount /dev/whatever  

so that when you subsequently run ntfsfix, ntfsfix can ensure it has exclusive access to the disk. You still may not recover your data, but this will get you closer.