How to determine iOS app usage frequency for iPhone or iPad

I have over 200 apps on my iPhone 4 (32GB). No one needs that many apps, right? I want to organize my installed apps based on how frequently I use them, and/or how recently I last used them. I could probably take a qualitative, subjective stab at this myself, but I'd like to have some data, just so I don't toss an app that I may have used, but don't remember using. Yeah, I know that deleting isn't forever with apps-- but having geeky data makes me feel good.

So far, I have not found a way to do this. I've seen apps mentioned here on AskDifferent that purport to do such a thing, but have not tried any of them. For some reason, I seem to recall Googling this several months ago, and running across an article describing a way to glean usage information from the backup file(s) that iTunes creates. I can no longer find that article-- not sure if it's gone or if I'm just not using the same search terms as before.

Note that my iPhone is not jailbroken, nor do I wish to jail-break it. I'm not necessarily even interested in an iOS app that gets me this information; I'm simply interested in it any way that it can be had. If that is via Terminal on the desktop, that's fine.

Knowing this kind of usage information would also be objectively useful if I'm trying to implement some kind of app/folder organizational strategy. Otherwise, I'm left to my own intuition about how often I use things, which can be false, or in the least, inefficient.

I'm sure people have probably realized now how to get around-about-answer on this subject but I have been searching for an answer for an hour and figured out a way to kind of get an answer. If you have iOS 8 (now that this post is years after the original question..)

Settings > General > Usage > Battery Usage

And you can see which apps have used the most battery power in the last 24 hours, and also in the last 7 days. Which answered my question! Hope this helps someone.

I think I may have found an astoundingly low-tech solution to this problem, and it was right under my nose.

Ever since iOS became "multi-tasking" capable (I say that tongue-in-cheek, as we all know that most apps that get backgrounded aren't still running, they've just had their state saved until used again), the Task Switcher, accessible via a double-press of the Home Button, shows you a more-or-less "use-ordered" list of your apps. Unless you deliberately open the Task Switcher and kill the apps, they linger in there... I guess forever, or until you reboot the device.

So, if I clear all those out, and then just go about my business using my device for a while, and occasionally look at what apps are in my first 3 or 4 "pages" in the Task Switcher, that gives me a decent idea of which apps I use the most-- or at least can tell me the ones that I've used "most recently". Those apps that are on the far right "page" of Task Switcher are the least used (or at least the ones that were used "least recently").

EDIT: As of iOS9, the order of applications displayed in the Task Switcher is reversed. The most recently foregrounded app is on the far right.

I suppose a person could extend this into a true exercise in statistical geekery by noting the order of the apps on a schedule... say every morning or every evening (or more or less often)... over a period of time; a week, a month, whatever. Then you could compile that into useful info for yourself.

This is available in IOS 9.2

Just discovered after reading this list that if you do as previously suggested

Settings > General > Usage > Battery Usage

and tap within the list. Then each entry will display hours of on screen use and hours of background use, as well as the overall percentage. It works within the 24 hours view and the Last 7 Days view.

To my knowledge there's no way to do this without jail breaking (I'm not sure there is even if you do jailbreak).

Because iOS apps essentially don't run in the background (with exceptions for specific types of apps — i.e. navigation and music players), as soon as you open another app, they have to shut down, and thus have no way of monitoring what's else is going on. Additionally, the sandboxing enforced on iOS apps (at least in the App Store) restricts what system information they know. Even if it were able to monitor in the background, an app shouldn't be able to access information about other running apps.