How do I fix the Event ID 10154 regarding SPNs?

Server 2012 R2, Hyper-V VM-PDC w/ AD DS, DNS (single DC still; 2nd will be created shortly)

The Event ID 10154 General comments state:

The WinRM service failed to create the following SPNs: WSMAN/vsWBCdc01.wbc.local; WSMAN/vsWBCdc01. 

Additional Data 
The error received was 1355: %%1355.

User Action 
The SPNs can be created by an administrator using setspn.exe utility.

I worked with the setspn command. I could see "WSMAN/vsWBCdc01.wbc.local and WSMAN/vsWBCdc01" were not listed for either the administrator or the server.

I added "WSMAN/vsWBCdc01.wbc.local and WSMAN/vsWBCdc01" to the server but the error remained. I had little confidence in, but tried anyway to add them instead to the administrator account.

In both cases the 10154 EventID remains.

I guess my question is 'can I fix this error?' and 'do I need to fix this error'. Did I misread the instructions in the event viewer?

Or is this also simply a transient error that resolves after the dynamic activity of startup completes?

Solution 1:

Your spns need to be added the service accounts, not the local administrator. ADSIEdit can be really helpful in figuring out where they go.